Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Steampunk Rally - Stretch-Goal Inventor Poll

A day into our Steampunk Rally Kickstarter and we're already halfway to our funding goal! Fantastic!

It looks likely that we'll hit stretch goals (*knock on brass*) so it's time for us to choose our stretch goal inventors, and by us I mean you!

Go to boardgamegeek and add your suggestion (one per person), and vote on your favorites by 'thumbing' who you want to see join the Rally.

We'd like to bring in a little more gender parity, so we'd like 3 of the stretch goal inventors to be women! (But you can also suggest a man, we've got room for one more! Or for that matter, if you know of a cool Victorian transgender or transsexual inventor, we want to hear about them too!!)

And as a sidenote, if we manage to hit that 75k funding level, every Kickstarter copy of the game will come with metal cog tokens. I have seen the production samples, and they are amazingly cool, so spread the word and let's hit those goals!

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